
Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, formerly Penaeus vannamei), also known as Pacific white shrimp, is a variety of prawn of the eastern Pacific Ocean commonly caught or farmed for food.

We are serving different categories of vannamei shrimps.

Raw Head-On Shell-On (HOSO)

Raw Head-On Shell-On is raw shrimps, the whole shrimps are size graded and the defective pieces, if any, segregated.

Raw Headless Shell-On (HLSO)

This is the most common form of raw shrimp use in the United States. The head of the shrimp is removed, the throat meat is trimmed and that's it.

Peeled & De-veined Tail-On (PDTO)

In this the 5th through 2nd shell segments are removed, the large intestine is also removed, the 1st segment and tail are left on the shrimp.

Peeled & De-veined Tail-Off (PD)

Peeled & De-veined Tail-Off is just plain shrimp meat. All the shell segments, tail and large intestine are removed. No shells, just shrimp.

Raw Headless Easy Peeled

Raw Headless Easy Peeled shrimp is a raw shell-on shrimp with a knife cut along the back of the shrimp from the 1st to 5th shell segments.